Gangrene Treatment

Gangrene Treatment


Depends on location and extent of the gangrene is in the body, and the person’s overall condition. person may die if treatment is delayed, the person has other significant medical problems and the gangrene is extensive.

Blood Tests and Other investigations to be done

Elevated wbc counts seen

X ray , CT or MRI can be of use to know internal organs damage

Angiogram of lower limb if arterial doppler suggest monophasic flow or decreased flow

Deep tissue culture is necessary


Gangrene Treatment

In general, dead tissue should be removed to allow healing of the surrounding normal tissue and prevent further infection by early debridement

Start with empirical antibiotics later turn according to culture reports will prevent further spread for gangrene

Finally surgical debridement or amputation depending on vascularity and extent of dead tissues in foot or other areas

Diabetic foot treatment for gangrene varies depending on stage or amount of damage they allow things to progress before seeking treatment with doctor ,

Wet gangrene treatment involves

  • Debridement (removal of dead tissue) , antibiotics , regular dressings would be sufficient if blood flow is normal

Dry Gangrene Treatment varies

  • If blood flow is decreased , we should improve blood flow then plan any debridement , dressing, if non revascularisable and wound not healing then amputation should be done
  • dry gangrene treatment prognosis by whether long vessel involvement or multiple small vessel blocks
  • vessel blocks above thigh with flow distal present has more chances of limb salvage


Prevention of diabetic gangrene involves

Diabetic control  and Diabetic Foot care – examine your hands and feet

daily for any sores and if you come across infection signs like redness, swelling or foul smelling discharge contact your doctor immediatly

Lose weight – Helps prevent complications that can happen due to obesity

Quit Smoking – The chronic use of tobacco products can damage your blood vessels.