Diabetes Foot Gangrene stages Little Toe

Diabetic Foot Ulcer stages 5th toe

Diabetic persons with neuropathy starts developing various stages starting as corn later to hematoma (which you could see black blood spot like) later to non healing ulcer later to diabetic foot infection and later gangrene which ends as amputation, please meet a diabetic foot specialist because general doctors don’t know why diabetic persons end up in infection ,they just tell by proper sugar control everything will be allright, but once u started developing callus stage no matter how much you control your sugar , these things progress to amputation


So which stage you want to get treated more you neglect your problems that it is nothing , hence not seeking or following medical advise could end up progressing from callus to diabetic gangrene which requires surgery like debridement or amputation over a long period of time

How to manage if you come across these initial stage

Corn stage-little toe corn dr somesh podiatrist

Corn in sensory neuropathy should be trimmed every 2 weeks to prevent progressing to next stage hematoma, it should be trimmed even before whenever your planning travel which requires prolonged walking, coz only during brisk walking (callus on walking compresses underlying vessels) capillary reperfusion is delayed in diabetes , sometimes it can turn into infection

If you do regular regular callus trimming you will not develop ulcer stage



Corn hematoma stage –corn pinky toe dr somesh podiatrist chennai

Callus if you don’t trim regularly and neglect it will compress blood vessels beneath callus whenever walking, once callus is too hard vessels tear and clot formation happens as you see here , precursor of ulcer stage, on removing callus hematoma stage you could see white layer if you neglect further it can turn into ulcer or infection stage


Ulcer stage-little toe ulcer dr somesh podiatrist

Again you should do regular callus trimming once in two weeks to prevent wound getting infected, if u neglect can turn into gangrene stage, it is always better to heal the wound by offloading or surgeries to prevent amputation


Infection stage-little toe pus infection

Once you are in this stage needs early debridement , if you neglect will end up in amputation


Gangrene stage –little toe gangrene dr somesh podiatrist